Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Travel bucket list as the year ends

The year 2016 is almost over!

How's everyone doing in the travel scene? Have you accomplished the items in your travel bucket list? Certainly, almost everyone fulfills their travel wishes this year But in case you have not and you did not, we are on the same radar haha! 

I've a huge travel dream dangling at the back of my mind, and had been nurturing a long travel bucket list for quite sometime now. But 2016 seems not a generous year for me and I was deprived of almost everything. However, hope still reigns in my heart. I am keeping my faith that the succeeding year will give me a different story.

We should never lose hope despite all the misfortunes because as long as the world rotates, there's always a brighter tomorrow to look forward. And with it, comes hope and great anticipation for a beautiful future and fulfillment of dreams.

Speaking of travel bucket list, here's another list to nurture for the upcoming year:

1. Tuscan holiday - How I wish I could really fulfill this dream. I love everything about Italy and aside from Vatican city, Tuscany is one Italian region I am dying to visit someday.

2. Autumn in New England region - I love autumn! And where else to experience the best of this season other than in the New England region?  Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, are some of the most beautiful places in America to visit during autumn.

3. Springtime in Japan - Yes, this remains in my list for quite a long time. 

4. Black forest in Germany - I love nature and this destination offers the best of nature!

5. Switzerland - This has been my childhood dream! Ever since I saw that glossy calendar about the Swiss alps when I was 10 years old, I never stopped dreaming that one day I could see the Alps and the entire Switzerland.

6. The British isles - Cornwall, Isle of Mull, Scotland, the countryside like Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Grasmere. Oh, Britain! All those majestic mountains, castle ruins and countryside wonders!

7. Lappland, Finland - Funny it may seem that suddenly I am considering a travel to Finland. Last December 11, 2016, Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho featured a winter travel to the Arctic and I just discovered that Lappland in Finland is around the vicinity of the Arctic circle and where the breathtaking natural wonder called the Northern Lights can be best seen. So I immediately included this place in my travel bucket list.

8. Any beach destination in the Philippines - Suddenly I longed to escape to the beach, not to swim but to relax and eat. Yeah, beach atmosphere is always a fantastic destination if you are looking for an escape route from the torment in the city. The ocean atmosphere offers relief and comfort. It's a best retreat for a chaotic soul.

There you go, my travel bucket list for the succeeding years, not just for 2017. Traveling is always the most fascinating ways to enjoy life to the fullest!

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