Friday, May 20, 2011


Taking a world travel is one of my wishes, and it seems my life will not be complete without realizing this dream, but since it requires tons of money, my dream, as of now, well, remains a dream. While relishing some hopes of realizing this life's greatest wish someday, I listed here the places I dreamed to visit before I die.


I first saw this incredibly breathtaking gift of nature in the film "THE MISSION" , a story about the daring act of Jesuit missionaries during the 16th century to christianize the Guarani tribes in South America along the Paraguay border. 

Its wide range location is shared by three South American countries: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Iguazu, in my eyes, depicts perfection when it comes to a picturesque mountain and waterfalls. It has a rugged cliff but the water and the surroundings are simply extraordinary! 

Iguazu is often dubbed as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, wonderful than Niagara falls in Canada, that former US First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, was heard blurting "poor Niagara". But due to its slippery structure, far-away location and dangerous cliff, trekking to this spectacular waterfalls is very difficult to realize. But my dream is just to view the area in the background and I don't want to do mountain climbing anyway.

One of the most frequently visited landmarks in England, Windsor Castle simply amazes travellers with its unique history and glorious past. Dubbed by 19th century diarist, Samuel Pepys, as the most romantic castle in the world, Windsor Castle echoes mystic and charm. The castle has a beautiful avenue called "The Long Walk" with its beautiful garden, plants and other natural wonders.

Windsor Castle is the weekend residence of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and the official seat of court during Easter Sunday, New Year and Royal Ascot. It has two working farms, several state apartments, beautifully-trimmed garden, gift shop, chapel and orange orchard. A guided tour to Windsor can be organized on several schedule and I am looking forward to the day I can finally visit this wonderful royal fortress.

I heard this many times "Paris is one of the most exciting and lively cities to visit" and since hearing it, I could not help but dream to visit this city of romance! While browsing a tour guide for France, I was stunned with the extraordinary garden of the Palace of Versailles!Such a terrific site to view and visit.

The Palace is located just outside Paris and its 250-acre manicured garden allured visitors. History has it that the spectacular garden influenced King Charles II of England during the 17th century to design Windsor Castle's Long Walk avenue.

It is the former home of the French monarchs and the palace's structural design can be attributed to various royal occupants. And taking a trip there is like a grand treat of a lifetime. With its fantastic garden, relaxing environment and colorful history, Palace of Versailles is more than an exciting place to visit.

Back to England! And to the most terrific and incredible garden in the world!

Alnwick Gardens is located in Northumbria near the border of Scotland. Though not privately owned by the Duke of Northumberland (who owns Alnwick Castle, made famous by Harry Potter films as Hogwarts), the Garden creation was primarily supervised by his wife, the Duchess of Northumberland.

According to its official website "its masses of pink Tulips are sweeping over the hills of the Cherry orchard, a truly spectacular site", oh well that's why I am so obsessed with this place to visit someday because I love Tulips! It has a magical landscape, like a fairyland and its surrounding is perfectly covered with magnificent architecture, lots of trimmed plants, waterfalls, beautiful spring flowers and other amazing ornaments. This is one of  the beautiful places I want to visit when I will take a European tour in the years to come, well if God allows.


When it comes to Castle, apart from Windsor Castle in England, nothing beats the grandeur and fantasy of Neuschwanstein Castle. Perching above the rugged hills of Hohenschwangau village near Fussen in Bavaria, Southwest Germany, this fairytale castle is one of Europe's most popular tourist landmarks with a record of more than one million people visiting this ancient royal fortress annually.

This castle was a former home to King Ludwig II of Bavaria, the mad King whose eccentricities in life prompted his ministers to declare him lunatic and unfit to rule a Kingdom. Originally, he intended to make this castle his private home and a personal refuge away from the irritation and annoyance that came with being a King, he also made this as a homage to his favourite artist, Richard Wagner, but the Bavarian government incurred heavy debt for financing this castle that after the King's death (from a mysterious circumstance where many believed the King was murdered), the government decided to open the castle to public to generate income.

Now, this wonderful castle is very famous among travellers and honeymooners. It is also prominently featured in many fairytale movies and became the basis of the design of Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

ISLE OF SKYE (Scotland)

From England to Scotland. Another lifelong wish is to see and visit Isle of Skye, a picturesque British isle located off the West coast of mainland Scotland, it is known for its natural beauty, wildlife and tranquil surroundings. I want to see the Ornsay isle, Knock castle, the serene countryside, the beautiful sunset at one of its bay areas.

I am always enthralled with the natural, fresh beauty of the surroundings, modern buildings never fascinate me, so taking a trip to hinterlands, farm, beaches or countryside is more exciting than roaming at posh city malls. Isle of Skye is simply fantastic, its calm and poetic environment is a perfect place to spend a quiet day planning and writing manuscripts.

BORA BORA (French Polynesia)

Who does not want to visit this captivating paradise in the South Pacific? When it comes to natural and spectacular beauty of the sea nothing beats Bora Bora!With its legendary charm and unbelievably alluring seaside, Bora Bora, often called the most beautiful island in the planet, seems to be everybody's idea of a perfect holiday getaway.

Often referred as the Paradise in the South Pacific, Bora Bora is located in the Tahitian Island of French Polynesia, a French overseas collectivity. Its blue lagoon, ivory sand, sparkling blue water and lush tropical environment are what makes Bora Bora an incredible escape from stress and clutters in life. And it is one of my dreamed places to visit too even once in a lifetime. But with almost $2,500 rate per night accommodation, Bora Bora maybe remains a dream.

MUSTIQUE ISLAND (St. Vincent and the Grenadines, North America)

I encountered this mysterious (because it is somewhat unheard!) name while reading the book, "The Royals" by Kitty Kelly when she mentioned that Princess Margaret (younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II) often holidayed at Mustique during her youth and in fact the Princess built a beautiful villa there called Les Jolies Eaux in a 10 acre plot given to her by the island's owner as a wedding gift. So I searched for the place's photos and, yes, I was stunned with its breathtaking location and surroundings!

Mustique Island is part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in North America near Barbados and St. Lucia--all part of the Commonwealth Realms of the British Queen. There are direct flights, according to the Mustique official website, from Britain, Canada and the United States and in order to get there, visitors may take a direct flight from either of the places mentioned above to Barbados or St. Lucia, Mustique is just few minutes away from these locations.

Mustique is a private island spread in 1,400 acres owned by Lord Glenconner and has 70 luxury villas for rent with a whopping $4, 250 to $150,000 each villa per week!Argggh..The island continues to attract famous and rich people, well with its price tag, naturally only their "class and kind" can afford. Famous people who regularly holidayed in Mustique are Prince William, his grandmother's cousin, Lord Liechfield, Mick Jagger and fashion icon, Tommy Hilfiger. The villa owned by Princess Margaret was sold by her son, Viscount Linley, and is now available for rent.


This is one of my childhood fascinations. Back then, I thought Pyramids are not real and just part of the world's ancient legend but when I grew up and learned pyramids are real, I'd wished that one day, I would be given an opportunity to see this ancient wonder!

The site is simply captivating, with its famous architectural relics of the early generation and amazing design, not to mention its historical area, this part of the ancient world is so magical that dreaming a leisure trip there is not that bad.

Though Egypt lately became the centre of intrigue and controversies, it did not stop me from wishing someday I can make a trip down there to see the pyramids and other historical, ancient architecture all over Egypt.

Tuscany, a beautiful and romantic region in Italy, is one of the places I am dying to visit if given a chance to travel to Europe, but aside from the spectacular Tuscany, I also want to take a trip to Venice to ride the famous Gondola!

Super romantic and relaxing, Gondola is a boat-hire  passing through a wide canal in Venice, it is perfect for honeymooners and people who want to take a leisure trip around the canal.

Hope to ride this amazing boat one day, make a wish at Bridge of Sigh and stroll around Venice perhaps for some sight seeing, then back to Tuscany region!



  1. You don't have to endure any hardship when visiting the falls. You only walk a lot if you want and all is paved. English is spoken everywhere and they say Argentinian side is better. At the time I had my American hubby with me and he didn't want to go try immigration to cross over. Across the street from the entrance is the bird park. Ah, you take a 1/2 hour bus ride to the entrance.

  2. Hello Stela,

    Thank you for your comment. You already visited this place?wow great!Yeah Iquazu is such a magnificent place to visit, when I saw the waterfalls, I cannot wait to go to Argentina border to see this fantastic gift of nature :-)
